Wednesday 23 September 2015

The Office

I am a teacher.

Granted, I haven't actually helmed a classroom in almost 3 years now, but at my core it's something I'll always be.  How do I know this?  Because we bought a desk.

Allow me to back up a bit.  Our "Dream Home" came with the latest trend in architectural design: The Flex Room.  This room, the albatross in any new home, is meant to give the family more space and flexibility.  In our case it's a room at the front of the house, right beside the front door, with a beautiful arched entry, angled walls with cutouts and a huge triple window looking out onto our front veranda.  When our home was the show home, it was set up as a dining room, which fit well with the "chandelier" centred in the ceiling.  When our home became Our Home, it became the piano room.  Then it became the everything room.  In other words, EVERYTHING got dumped there.

Over the last few months, my significant other has been going through the long, arduous process of starting his own business.  Emphasis on debilitatingly slow.  My end of things: creating an office.  Which is likely the best roll for me because who doesn't love to decorate a new space?  Especially in an old one.  So I bought a desk, a used one, for $40.  And it's huge; fills almost the entire room.  Getting it home was just the catalyst we needed to light a fire under our asses to get that room DONE.  It arrived Sunday, today is Wednesday, and this afternoon I think I can actually say it's there.  Pretty much done.  I say pretty much because nothing in my home ever seems to reach the status of "complete".  

But I digress...

This afternoon we were working hard (watching "The League" on Shomi) when the 2:51pm bell rang.  And when I say bell, I mean the one across the street, at the school where 4 of our 6 children are currently students.  In our defence, we worked our butts off during the office transition, so we deserved some time with our feet up.  But the key is ensuring the children NEVER KNOW.  They must believe that we work non-stop so we have a handy excuse when they ask for things we don't want to do.  

Well, today the episode and the home bell were running neck in neck for the finish line.  I hopped to the window as the credits rolled and saw the kids approaching the house.  The race was on!  As I scampered down the stairs to beat them to the door, hoping to reach some stance of "looking busy" before it opened, I knew I wouldn't make it.  I had no choice, had to go with option 2, look like I'm skipping to the door to meet them after dropping what I was doing.  

Within minutes, the kids swarmed the new office and began barking out orders as the teacher, the principal, the students...already I can see myself in them.  But enough fun, kiddies, Mama's got work to do in her office.  Meaning I get the good chair and you get to run around putting things where I want them to go.  (See?  Always a teacher bossing kids around.)  Once everything is just in its place, I snap quickly into teacher mode and have the kids pull up a's supervised homework time.  And I am in the ZONE!  Reading, writing, math, bing, bang, boom; homework finished faster than ever before.  

Which means more time to PLAY!  Okay, I'll be the teacher and you guys be the students and...well, you get the idea.

Gonna love this office!

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